Managed Services Help
I ran a Managed Services practice for many years and have also consulted for partners building their own Managed Services. Do you need help building a new service or tuning an existing service? Are you having process problems? Or, do you just want to figure out where to go next with your services? See below for some situations on how I can help:
Situation 1:
You’re looking to start up a Managed Services practice. There is a lot involved and you realize you need help. You don’t have the budget to spend a ton of money to develop a solution, but you want it done right.
You bring in Justin to help navigate the waters in turning up Managed Services. He guides you through the entire process and answers all your questions so that you are set for success.
Situation 3:
You have an established Managed Services division, but things aren’t working quite the way you want. You’re having challenges with employees and, as a result, client satisfaction is starting to suffer. You realize you need to take action, but you aren’t sure of the best course to improve your customer and workforce relationships.
You bring in Justin to evaluate your operations to determine what needs to stop, what needs to start, and what needs to continue with respect to your business’s client and workforce relations. After the start-stop-continue exercise, you and Justin devise a plan to address identified issues to raise both employee and client satisfaction.
Situation 2:
You have an established Managed Services practice, but you realize you want it to do more. You are thinking about expanding into other services. This could fundamentally change how your NOC operates and you realize you need help with onboarding additional services.
Justin knows how to expand service portfolios, so you bring him in to guide you. He will show you how to navigate expanding your NOC appropriately in order to successfully support your new services.